- Complete online order management Sebring Creative


download jquery.dumbcrossfade-2.0.js or minified jquery.dumbcrossfade-2.0.min.js
jquery.dumbCrossFade is intended to be a light-weight slide transition that enables external manipulation. Tested to work with jQuery 1.4 and used in over 200 ecommerce websites as a base tool. option parameters: slideType : can be one of the following: 'slidehorizontal', 'slidevertical', 'fade', default 'slidehorizontal' index : integer, is zero-based, is what item to start from, default 0 showTime : integer, is how long to show an item in milliseconds, default 5000 transitionTime : integer, is how long the fade takes in milliseconds, default 1000 doHoverPause : boolean, sets if pausing on mouse over is enabled or not, default true maxZIndex : integer, is the z-index of the element being faded into view. The faded out is maxZIndex - 1, default 100 slideChange : event function, is fired when the slide has changed, passes in index of current slide, default null slideDirection : can be one of the following: 'forward', 'backward', default 'forward' fadeInOut : only useful when slideType is 'slidehorizontal' or 'slidevertical' for a transition slide-wipe affect, default false //You can use options like so: var options = { 'doHoverPause' : false, slideChange : function (currentSlideIndex) { alert(currentSlideIndex); } }; $('.slide').dumbCrossFade(options); //instance methods: $(jquerySelector).dumbCrossFade('stop') : stops auto playing slides $(jquerySelector).dumbCrossFade('start') : starts auto playing slides $(jquerySelector).dumbCrossFade('jump',index) : jumps to slide index specified, zero-based index $(jquerySelector).dumbCrossFade('next') : goes to the next slide $(jquerySelector).dumbCrossFade('previous') : goes to the previous slide Supports full jQuery chaining, instance methods and settings override. for example: $('.slides').dumbCrossFade(); $('').click(function() { $('.slides').dumbCrossFade('next'); });
Code Example
		<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
		<style type="text/css">
			/* <![CDATA[ */
			.dumbCrossFade {
			.dumbCrossFade .dumbItem {
			.dumbCrossFade .dumbItem img {
			.dumbCrossFade * {
			/* ]]> */
		<script type="text/javascript">
			/* <![CDATA[ */
			$(function() {
				$('.dumbCrossFade .dumbItem').dumbCrossFade({'slideType':'slidevertical','fadeInOut':true});
			/* ]]> */
		<div class="dumbCrossFade">
			<div class="dumbItem">
				<a href="Contact.aspx"><img src="" alt="Contact Us" \></a>
			<div class="dumbItem">
				<a href="CaseStudies.aspx"><img src="" alt="Case Studies" \></a>
			<div class="dumbItem">
				<a href="Print.aspx"><img src="" alt="Print Work" \></a>
			<div class="dumbItem">
				<a href="Web.aspx"><img src="" alt="Web Work" \></a>
			<div class="dumbItem">
				<a href="Design.aspx"><img src="" alt="Design" \></a>
DEMO 1 (with 'hoverPause' turned on and slideType 'slidevertical' and fadeInOut true)
Contact Us
Case Studies
Print Work
Web Work
DEMO 2 (with 'hoverPause' turned off and slideType 'fade')
do more
sell more
DEMO 3 (using 2.0 instance methods and events to create a thumbnail slideshow)
* version 2.0 - Posted 2/3/2010 - added jQuery chaining style with method instance accessor (the correct way) - added option "slideType" 'fade','slidevertical','slidehorizontal' - added option "direction" 'forward','backward' - added option "fadeInOut" boolean - added methods "next", "previous" * version 1.3 - Posted 11/20/2009, removed 'methods' option, returned public accessor and enabled method chaining Use public accessor functions like so: var $mySlides = $('#myslides').dumbCrossFade(); $mySlides.stop(); // stops the transitions $mySlides.start(); // starts the transitions $mySlides.jump(2); // jumps to slide 3 since zero based OR can use like $('#myslides').dumbCrossFade().stop().start().jump(2) with method chaining although it doesn't have much use currently. Maybe later? * version 1.2 - Posted 10/25/2009, new options 'slideChange' and 'methods' to allow for instance manipulation 'slideChange' is a function pointer that can be passed in and is called once a slide has changed, Use it like so: var options = { 'slideChange' : function (currentSlideIndex) { alert('The slide ' + currentSlideIndex + ' is currently showing'); } }; $('#myslides').dumbCrossFade(options); 'methods' is an empty object passed in to give you a reference to the current instance and be able to manipulate it It exposes 3 new methods: stop() will stop the dumbCrossFade instance from playing start() will start auto playing the dumbCrossFade instance jump(indexToJumpTo) will jump the dumbCrossFade instance to a particular slide but also stops auto playing. You will need to call start() again after calling jump(indexToJumpTo) to start the auto play Use it like so: var dcfMethods = {}; var options = { 'methods' : dcfMethods }; $('#myslides').dumbCrossFade(options); dcfMethods.start(); // will make your instance auto play dcfMethods.stop(); // will stop your instance from auto playing dcfMethods.jump(2); // will jump to a particular slide but also stop the auto play * version 1.1 - Posted 10/6/2009, includes a fade approach to avoid any flickering using z-index * version 1.0 - Posted 10/2/2009, includes base implementation, simple cross fade